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Because it was funny…

I remember being asked by my mom why I did or said something (Often while being scolded for doing or especially saying whatever it was). And I’d say, because it was funny? This, apparently, was not a good excuse for saying something inappropriate. When my best friend and I got in trouble in high school, it was usually for laughing at something. Sometimes a look would pass between us and we knew what the other was thinking, which would make us both laugh. And when we got sent to the office, it was almost always a reason that involved us doing something we did because we thought it was funny. So often, when people ask why I did this or that in a book, my answer is the same thing it was all those years ago. Because it was funny. It’s why I put my heroines in awkward situations, and why in Cinderella Screwed Me Over I poke fun at fairy tales. It’s why I often make inappropriate jokes, and why I enjoy when the perfect funny line hits me. I do hope to tell a good story along the way, and I really hope that people will fall in love with the characters and feel the love as they’re falling in love with each other. But most of all, I hope people will say they laughed.

After all, life’s far too serious too much of the time, and nothing makes me feel better than laughing and swooning. And if I can make others laugh and swoon? Even better. Now I know not everyone will get my humor, but hopefully it’ll count that my heart was in the right place. (Not that that ever kept me from being grounded or sent to the principal’s office) But at least I amuse myself, right? Hehe

Oh & this pic below? I posted it because–you guessed it–I thought it was funny. (Sorry in advance, Mom)


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