When I come home to find a letter from the hot British dude who’s recently moved in next door, I perform an awkward happy dance for all my neighbors to see. Letters are so classy and romantic—I mean, swoon. I rip it open, so excited that he’s finally noticed me and is asking out…my dog. Turns out that the place he’s renting doesn’t allow pets, and so he’s hoping to borrow my ill-behaved boxer puppy for walks along the beach and games of catch in the park.
Is it weird to be jealous of your dog when he ends up humping the leg of the guy you have a wicked crush on? Not asking for a friend.
It’s love at first bark for Graham and my puppy. But once I wiggle my own tail into tagging along, man’s best friend ends up being the best matchmaker I could ask for. If only timing wasn’t a female dog sometimes.