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No one’s ever accused me of being patient, and I figured why wait to show off the awesome cover for Rift? The 2nd book in the Cipher Series will be out soon! Here’s the cover and blurb.

Summer Davis is a Cipher, a person chosen to help people
resolve problems with their loved ones before they die. She’s just gotten her
second job when weirder-than-usual things start happening. There seems to be a
rift between her and the afterlife, and she’s seeing things she shouldn’t,
including people who have already passed on. As she struggles to help her new
assignment, Liam, make amends with his incarcerated father, she finds it hard
to balance being a high school student, Cipher, and girlfriend.
Troy’s been nothing but supportive, but Summer can see her
secret weighs on him, and she worries the more she tells him, the sooner he’ll
decide he can’t deal with her freaky life. But when a murderer is thrown into
the mix, and the girl he killed keeps asking Summer for help,
she’ll risk everything to make sure the guy gets what he deserves.
Be sure to add it to your TBR pile on Goodreads


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