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Hunger Games Read Along

So the Hunger Games trailer made me want to read the books again. When I read a book for the first time, I’m trying to get into it, seeing if it’s something I want to commit my time to. I used to always finish a book, no matter how much I wasn’t enjoying it. I just don’t have time these days, not with so many books on my To Be Read Pile. While I was on Twitter talking about Hunger Games, two people I frequently chat with admitted they hadn’t read it yet. Obviously that needed fixed right away. Those of us who had read it wanted to read it again before the movie. So we decided to do a read along. We all got the book and will talk about a chapter a night. I’m ridiculously excited to read along with these cool people. We all met via our love for the Shade trilogy by Jeri Smith-Ready. (If you haven’t read the series, run to buy it. Can’t gush enough over my love of it, and the author is super cool.)

Back to the read along. When I told my hubby about it, he pointed out the tower of books on my dresser, the pile of library books on the coffee table, and said you’ve got ALL those books to read and you’re reading one you’ve already read? (I didn’t bother telling him about all the books on my phone) But I am re-reading Hunger Games because I love it. I read the first chapter, and there are things I didn’t pick up the first time because I was trying to figure out if I liked the book. Now I can enjoy it without frantically flipping the pages to see what’s going to happen next. (Although I’ll probably still do plenty of that.) This time, I also get to talk to people about it at the end of the day. What could be better?

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