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Right now I’m editing Demons of the Sun. As I’m going back through, I’m remembering all the reasons I wrote this story in the first place. Exhibit 1:

Friday Night Lights is one of my favorite shows. Tim Riggins, played by Taylor Kistch, is one of my favorite characters (three guesses why) So when I started writing Demons of the Sun, I had him in mind when I described Adrastos, the man Persephone’s loved for years, but doesn’t know if she’s ever going to get to be with. (I know, crazy name, but it’s Greek, and trust me, he makes it work) Sometimes I just HAD to stare at this picture for several minutes to get the description right.
Jax, the cocky Warrior who busts into Persephone’s life was very distinct in my mind. Wavy blond hair on the longer side, tall, and you know, all hot and Warrior-like. Finding the right guy for Jax wasn’t easy. Finally I settled on this picture of Chase Crawford–he’s got the blue eyes–but think blond wavy hair. Then I saw a picture of Chord Overstreet, back before he was on Glee. So basically if these two guys had a love child, that’s what Jax would look like. Yum, right?

Jax drives Persephone crazy at first, but the guy kinda grows on her. While she’s fighting her attraction to him, there are demons to fight and sacred objects to guard. What’s a girl to do? Get out her sword and take some demons out, right? I also forgot how creeptastic a couple of the scenes in the book were. When you’re commenting back and forth with your editor about the state of decay on organs, you know you’ve got a weird job. What can I say? Demons don’t usually use rainbows and flowers in their ceremonies. Lucky for me, I can pull up these pictures and replace the image of nasty-looking demons and their disturbing ceremonies with images of these hot guys. It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it 🙂


  1. Took off some of the restrictions,but added needing ID, so I've got to test to see if the comments works now. Guess that means I'm commenting on my own post.

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