Over Thanksgiving Break, I went to see Breaking Dawn. My girlfriends who have read the books and usually attend the movies with me so we can laugh at the cheesiness together, have moved away. I didn’t want to go all alone—while I’ve attended movies alone, seeing this one by myself seemed sad. So I talked to my mom, who had seen the other movies and she said it would be fun to go. She never read Breaking Dawn, so she had no idea what was coming (aka headboard-breaking honeymoon scene) I also decided to invite my sister-in-law. She told me she hadn’t read any of the books or even seen any of the movies. (I know, is that even possible? Apparently, it is) But she has a six month old baby and wanted to get out and have a girls’ night.
So the three of us went on Thanksgiving night, to the tiny theater in my hometown. In order to find movie times, which only run once a day, I had to call the phone number. I got a busy signal the first three times, then eventually got through to the recorded times. Then my mom’s car battery was dead, so we had to hop in my car. On the drive, I gave my sis-in-law a brief recap of the things she needed to know most (Later, I realize I should’ve been more thorough) The man who took our tickets has worked at the theater since I can remember, and he pointed us toward the Twilight Saga playing theater.
The movie started. Right away, I was cringing at some of the cheesiness, thinking I should know to just watch these in the privacy of my own home so no one else knows I watch movies containing lines oozing Velveeta. But it’s okay. We get through the wedding. On to the honeymoon. Let me tell you, nothing’s more awkward than watching a sex scene with your mom on one side and your sister-in-law who doesn’t know what the hell is going on on the other. This makes me laugh, because that’s what I do in awkward situations. We get through the awkward, I explain a few key points to my sis-in-law, who I’m sure will never go to another movie with me again, and we get through the rest of the movie. The effects they used with Bella’s pregnancy were really cool too. The wolf voices? Well, that was another part I laughed at. Anyway, I survived the movie. Actually, it was more than a movie, it was an experience. One that will make me laugh every time I think about it. So when the second half comes out, I might just have to go back to my tiny hometown and have another girls’ night again. Because it’s going to have cheesy lines and cool effects, and I’m going to see it. Don’t pretend you’re not counting down the days too.
Randi says
LOL! I haven't seen it yet, but I know I will.