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So you think you can blog

With all the time I waste on facebook do I really need to blog, too? The family blog I made years ago hasn’t been updated in over a year. Well, I don’t know that I need to blog, but this is going to serve as my personal website dedicated to writing-related items. Because this is what we do now. We blog and tweet and update things and send them out into the digital world. We should probably be physically writing at least some of it down in a journal. After all, what happens when your computer crashes or the site glitches or your two-year-old performs some strange function that makes your screen sideways (try reading and clicking on buttons when your cursor now moves opposite the way it’s supposed to.) You might lose some of your information and then no one tweny years from now will know that you had pizza for dinner three nights in a row.

But here’s my blog anway. Because I’ve learned a lot about writing the last few years as I’ve worked to turn my hobby into a career. I have no idea how frequently I’ll update it, or if I’ll even tell people I have it. It’s pretty, though. My favorite color’s purple, in case you can’t tell.

So here goes something. Whether I can blog or not, only time will tell.

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